Remember when people drew ~ with pencils, pens and paint rather than a mouse? I do that!

…of course, I do do the mousy thing too

(actually, it’s the stylus thing on fancy graphics tablets, now).


My picture-making always refers back to the 9th Art: Cartoons. Graphic Novels. Manga… it’s all COMICS really, and I’ve found it to be an incredible language that lets me combine pictures and words in any proportion I need for almost any purpose.


Comics can be Sculpture or Painting, Architecture of Graffiti… wherever multiple images relate to each other, meanings are exchanged and a comic exists. It’s a classic case of the sum being greater than the parts, but also a good example of any tree falling in the woods needing someone present to hear the sound…


So please, have a butcher’s at some of the projects I’ve worked on her and in My Work. And click here to see whole comics and books (many downloadable for free)

Some of the posts on this page will be my own work, some will be taking a look at the work of other artists or art talk in general. I hope you’ll find something to enjoy and some things to argue with…




ROY: a consideration in comics

Have you heard the strong opinions most comic folk have of Roy Lichtenstein? Do you think their anger is righteous or jus sour grapes? I wasn’t sure WHAT I felt, so I did a whole bunch of reading about his work and his business and the Art Industry around him… (MORE)



SLABBED: did I just throw thousands of pounds away?

I destroyed a valuable comic (or did I?) and then it became even more valuable (or did it?) Read how one project poking fun at commercialisation of art ended up destroying a comic that could sell for over £6k... MORE

Redacted Comics: Alpha

How much can you take away from an existing comic and still have a story worth reading? … MORE


blogging & blagging

latest blatherings and writings here