
Spiracle: a line took me for a walk “Drawing is taking a line for a walk,” said Paul Klee, but there are many lines that run through our lives connecting places and people and events. We may only notice them when looking back over our shoulder, but every one of us can trace How We …

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Slabbed: did I just throw thousands of pounds away? (Part1) I destroyed a valuable comic (or did I?) and then it became even more valuable (or did it?) If you don’t know what slabbing is, it may behoove you to read this blog first: SLABS: a very peculiar practice So… background… I grew up loving …

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SLABS: a very peculiar practice The meaning of the term ‘slabbing’ in comics is not immediately obvious ~ and, maybe, neither is the purpose.   In a nutshell, you take a mass-produced comic book with a print run in the thousands and pay a commercial company to assess the physical condition of your copy (graded …

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Redacted Comics: Alpha 36 pages. US Comic. £0.00   FREE DOWNLOAD Redacted Comics are a place where I enjoy bits of pre-existing works ~ but maybe not in the way their creators intended. This issue is appropriated from Alpha Flight 40 (published by Marvel Comics in 1986). The original work was by Bill Mantlo, David …

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TEDx SPRINTS: Delta-2 ~ Pass It On One of my favourite projects in 2021 was at TEDx SPRINTS ~ a creative bootcamp where visual artists have 48 hours to produce an artwork on a specific issue. All works are then published under an open license, so that activists, nonprofits and educators globally can use them in their …

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  nearlymades : reviewed by Page 45 We get asked about abstract comics on a not infrequent basis and since the excellent ABSTRACT COMICS hardcover anthology went out of print, seemingly into the great abstract void of fuzzy-black-never-to-be-reprintedness without even the merest hint of brilliant-shining-tunnel-of-light back-from-the-dead softcover reprint, we have nothing to show people. Until now… Simon …

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Tyr : A4. Pen and ink Only the god of battle was brave enough to offer his right hand as a guarantee that the aesir were not tricking Fenrir… they were, of course, and that hand was bitten clean off. BACK TO WORK Hera and Heracles : A4. Pen and ink Hera, queen of the Gods, loathed …

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DC Triptych : three 1m canvases. Acrylic and enamel paintThree pictures ~ Menace, Desperation and Peril ~ recalling the halcyon days of this artist’s childhood.BACK TO WORK BACK TO WORK blogmy workpresentingconsultingshopabout metalk to me blogging & blagginglatest blatherings and writings here DC Triptych : three 1m canvases. Acrylic and enamel paintThree pictures ~ Menace, Desperation …

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